Sun. Sep 15th, 2024

Faculty of Information at Sana’a University on Tuesday commemorated the graduation of 85 students from the 30th batch, named after Wael al-Dahdouh.

During the ceremony, Minister of Information in the caretaker government Dhaif Allah al-Shamipraised the graduates as future pillars in the media field.

He emphasized their crucial role in exposing the agendas of enemies targeting Yemen and the wider region, especially amidst challenges posed by American, Zionist, and British adversaries.

Al-Shami urged the graduates to apply their acquired knowledge and media skills effectively, defending national issues and principles.

He highlighted the necessity for media professionals to intensify efforts against psychological and media warfare aimed at distorting Yemen’s role in supporting oppressed Palestinians.

The Minister affirmed the commitment of the national media to continue its mission of exposing the designs of the American-Zionist enemy to global public opinion.

Source: Yemen News Agency