Sun. Sep 15th, 2024


SANA’A-SABA: Today, the Ministry of Education and Scientific Research declared the outcomes of the general examinations for students at technical and vocational institutes across Sana’a and ten other governorates for the year 1445 AH (2023-2024 AD).

According to the ministry, four thousand and 303 students took the exams, of whom three thousand and 186 students passed, with a success rate of 74%, and 868 of them completed and 249 students failed.

In a press conference on the occasion, the Minister of Education and Scientific Research, Hassan Abdullah Al-Saadi, praised the efforts of those in charge of the testing process and its success at the level at which it appeared.

Deputy Minister Dr. Hatem Al-Duais said that the exams were taken by students from 64 public and private institutes at three levels: technical diploma, vocational secondary school and vocational training diploma.

He said that the students took exams in 63 disciplines and 476 practical and theoretical subjects in the fields of health,
engineering, industrial, construction, agricultural, commercial, information technology and women’s business.

The names of the top students for each major and the institutes to which they belong in Sana’a and the governorates were announced at the conference.

The conference was attended by the concerned undersecretaries, directors of the competent departments and deans of institutes.

Source: Yemen News Agency