Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Speech events were held in al-Udayn, al-Udayn Branch, Hubaish, and al-Saddah districts of Ibb province to commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Zaid bin Ali.

The events featured speeches from district directors and mobilization officials who highlighted Imam Zaid’s principles and revolutionary legacy, connecting his struggle to that of his grandfather, Imam Hussein.

They emphasized Imam Zaid’s exemplary courage and sacrifice against injustice and tyranny.

Speakers condemned the recent assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh by the Occupation, criticizing the lack of action from Arab and Islamic countries and their complicity with the Zionist entity.

The speakers called out the ongoing genocide against the people of Gaza and denounced the inadequate response from some Arab regimes in supporting Gaza.

Source: Yemen News Agency