Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The Security Department of Al-Dhihar District in Ibb Governorate organized today a speech event on the anniversary of Wilayt Day under the slogan “Whoever I am his guardian, then this Ali is his guardian.”

In the event, the Deputy Governor, Mohammed Al-Shabibi, stressed the importance of Wilayt to protect the nation from the allegiance of the Jews and Christians.. adding that “the forces of tyranny and their tools work by all means and methods to distract the nation’s attention from the principle of guardianship with the aim of humiliating the nation and dominating it.”

In the event, which was attended by the Director of Directorate, Dr. Fadl Zaid, and the Director of Security of the Directorate, Colonel Mohammed Al-Sabtani, the Directorate’s Mobilization Officer, Alaa Al-Sada, explained that the guardianship of Imam Ali, peace be upon him, and the flags of guidance represent the path of truth, pride, and dignity for the nation.

Source: Yemen News Agency