Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

A cultural event was organized on Wednesday in Al-Safiya district in Capital Secretariat to commemorate the Prophet Muhammad’s birthday – on whom the Prophet and his family have the best prayers and best wishes.

At the event, Saleh al-Khawlani, a member of Ansar Allah’s political office, referred to the significance of celebrating the Prophet’s Birthday, highlighting the manifestations of joy and rejoicing, recognizing God’s great blessing on Muslims, talking about his morals, values and biography, linking them to the reality of the nation today, and making it an educational station to enhance loyalty and love for the Prophet.

The people of Al-Majd Al-Shamali, Awsan and Al-Fath Al-Wusta neighborhoods also organized stops to commemorate the Prophet Muhammad’s birthday – upon whom be peace and blessings be upon him and his family.

Participants in the vigils, which were attended by Assistant Undersecretary of the Secretariat, Fadl Al-Runi, Advisor to the Secretary of the Capital, Mohammed Al-Houthi, Director
of the Directorate, Saleh Al-Misri, and General Mobilization Officer in Safiya, Abdullah Al-Maafa, expressed pride and rejoicing in the birth of the Great Prophet, and following his path.

They emphasized that the commemoration of this solemn religious occasion is a station to renew loyalty and love for the Messenger of Allah – may Allah bless him and his family – and to emulate his morals, his fragrant biography, his charity, his jihad and his great value.

Statements issued by the vigils called on all the people of Safiya district to mobilize and participate in the commemoration of this great occasion and honorable exit on the twelfth of Rabiul Awwal to celebrate the Prophet Muhammad’s birth anniversary (PBUH).

Source: Yemen News Agency