Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

The General Electricity Corporation, the Local Water and Sanitation Corporation, the Rural Water Projects Authority, and the Supreme Council for Humanitarian Affairs in Dhamar Province organized on Wednesday a speech event on the Prophet’s birthday anniversary occasion.

During the event, the Governor’s Deputy Mahmoud Al-Jubain stressed the importance of the anniversary and its status as one of the most important historical milestones in the history of our Islamic nation.

He explained that celebrating the Prophet’s birthday anniversary is a revival of the Muhammadan message and the personality of the Messenger in the conscience of the nation, a consolidation of the concepts of the final heavenly message, and following the example of the Creation Master in word and deed.

In turn, the Director of the Local Water Corporation, Muhammad Al-Kahlani, stressed the importance of celebrating the Prophet’s birthday anniversary and glorifying this occasion due to the status of God Messenger, may God’s prayers , peace
be upon him and his family, in the Yemenis hearts .

In turn, Deputy Director of the Electricity Corporation Farouk Aziz reviewed the reality of life before the Holy Prophet birth and the transformations that society witnessed after his birth and following the prophetic mission of establishing the values of goodness, brotherhood and justice.. pointing out the importance of the anniversary in strengthening the cohesion of the nation and unifying its ranks to confront the dangers and challenges targeting it.

Source: Yemen News Agency