Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

The College of Education, the Continuing Education Center and the University Student Forum in Hodeida province organized on Tuesday a cultural and speech event to celebrate the Prophet Muhammad’s birth anniversary (PBUH).

At the event, the provincial undersecretary for Southern Block Affairs, Mutahar Al-Hadi, emphasized that celebrating this fragrant occasion is a way to remind people of the biography, values and platform of the Holy Prophet (PBUH).

He called on young people to actively participate in the various activities, events and competitions that will be held on this occasion to strengthen ties with the Prophet in word and deed.

For his part, the College and the Center Dean , Dr. Ali Musleh, pointed out that the celebration of the Prophet’s Birthday is in fact a celebration of the light, guidance and mercy offered to the world.

In addition, speeches were delivered that pointed to the significance of the celebration of the Prophet’s Birthday as a sign of pride, joy, and reverence for the Holy Prophe
t, as well as the importance of following his example and his morals.

They pointed out that the commemoration of this occasion is a tribute to the humanity leader , the best of mankind and the highest example of creation, Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family).

Source: Yemen News Agency