Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

In a number of districts and cities in Al-Bayda province, meetings and evenings were held to commemorate the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH).

A cultural evening was organized in Al-Wahbiya district to commemorate the birthday, which focused on the importance of showing the meanings of pride, showing joy and reverence for the Prophet, and adhering to his righteous guidance.

Al-Bayda Governor Abdullah Idris reviewed stations from the Prophet’s life and jihad and the meanings of celebrating the anniversary of his birth day.

He considered the celebration of this occasion as a message that the Yemenis adhere to the Prophet, his methodology and his jihad.

The people of Al-Farid, Al-Thathari and Al-Hanaka neighborhoods in Al-Bayda city also organized speech evenings to celebrate Allah Messenger’s birthanniversary – may Allah bless him and his family with the best prayers and best wishes.

In the presence of Abdullah Al-Jamali and Saleh Al-Mansouri, the province’s deputy governors, the directorate direc
tor , Ahmed Al-Rassas, and executive leaders, the evenings addressed aspects of the historical transformations brought about by the Muhammadan message and the signs of confronting misleading ideas that target the prophet’s birth nation’s celebration , may Allah bless him , grant him the best prayer and peace.

In Al-Arsh district, the Civil Status Department branch organized a Mawlid celebration evening.

At the event, which was attended by the province deputy governor , Nasser al-Aji, the directorate director , Maher al-Tairi, and executive leaders, the director of the department’s branch in the province, Colonel Ahmed al-Ezzani, referred to the meanings and implications of celebrating the messengers master’s birth anniversary, Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him and his family.

An expanded meeting was also held in the Tafa directorate, in the presence of the directorate director , Ali al-Hayashi, the Land Authority branch director in the province, Muhammad al-Dharafi, and the director of mobilization
in the directorate, Rashid al-Wajih, dedicated to mobilizing for the central event in al-Sawadiyah directorate.

Zakat Office director in the province, Haider al-Gharib, praised the interaction of the Tafa people and their keenness to revive the events of Mawlid in a manner befitting the occasion greatness .

Source: Yemen News Agency