Sun. Sep 8th, 2024

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Friday launched a scathing rhetorical attack on the US Congress for hosting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “whose hands are stained with the Palestinians’ blood.” “We have watched along with the whole world how the American Congress applauded the killer and perpetrator of the genocide,” Erdogan said, alluding to Netanyahu’s address to the US Congress.

“Those who have been giving lessons in democracy and human rights did not sense a shred of shame while celebrating Hitler of the age,” he said, lambasting him as a “butcher whose speech was full of fiction.” Netanyahu, in his Wednesday address, made several claims regarding the occupation’s aggression on Gaza.

Erdogan, who was speaking at a technology promotion activity in Istanbul, regretted that the genocide in Gaza that claimed the lives of 16,000 children and 40,000 civilians has continued.

Source: Kuwait News Agency