Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Istanbul, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that Israel “is practicing brutality that exceeds that of Nazi leader Adolf Hitler” and that Gaza has today turned into “the world’s largest extermination camp.”

Erdogan added in a speech on Tuesday during an expanded meeting of the heads of the branches of the ruling Justice and Development Party in Ankara: “This genocide, this brutality and this barbarism must be stopped immediately through the alliance of humanity, before it is too late.” Those who control the Netanyahu administration must say enough to this network of perpetrators of massacres as soon as possible.

Erdogan continued by saying: “We are aware of what the murderer called Netanyahu is trying to do, and what kind of catastrophe he wants to drag our region and the entire world into.”

He added: “We also know very well the real intention behind his attempts to spread the war in the Gaza Strip to the entire region, and what we are doing is to prevent such a scenario, and what we are saying is
to stop the blood and tears in our region.”

He stressed that “Turkey stands by the oppressed Palestinian people with all its capabilities and capacities, without neglecting any possibility, and will maintain this moral position until the end, even if some are upset.”

Erdogan pointed to “the martyrdom of 40,000 Palestinians, including 16,000 children, at the hands of Israel, which rained bombs on their heads in a treacherous manner.”

He also pointed out that 100,000 Palestinians were injured and disabled, and that “Israel has gone so far in its crimes as to shoot children in incubators, and kill people waiting in aid queues.”

He also pointed to the bombing of mosques, churches and schools, and stressed that “even war had its own law, but Israel ignored even that.”

Erdogan said: “It is unthinkable for anyone with an ounce of conscience to remain silent about the humanitarian tragedy taking place in Gaza, regardless of his faith.”

The Turkish President pointed out that Western leaders and organizations ent
rusted with ensuring international security “have been watching the brutality in Gaza from afar for about 300 days.”

Erdogan referred to hosting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the US Congress and said: “The bloody murderers were hosted and applauded in the House of Representatives, as if 40,000 innocent Gazans had not died, as if 16,000 children had not been brutally killed.”

Erdogan stressed that “Israel, which does not recognize the law, poses a threat to all of humanity and the entire world, not just to Palestine and Lebanon.”

Erdogan asked: “How many children must die to realize that Israel’s colonial policies threaten the entire region?!”

He pointed out that “Israel is the only country in our region that seeks its security through aggression, massacres, and occupation of lands, and acts as a terrorist organization.”

He added: “Who can guarantee that those who are turning their eyes to Lebanon today, after killing 40,000 innocent people in Gaza, will not extend their dirty hands to anot
her place tomorrow?” He continued: “We are not the only ones asking this question, all the countries of the region are wondering, the only country in our region whose borders are still unclear is Israel,” stressing that Israel is the one that is acting as a terrorist organization and not as a state.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency