Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The Zionist enemy army continues to commit a war of genocide against the defenseless Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip for the 347th consecutive day, while continuing to target inhabited homes and commit horrific massacres against civilians, in front of the world’s eyes and complete silence.

In the latest massacres committed by the Zionist enemy army, it violently bombed residential blocks and civilian homes this morning, Tuesday, the most violent of which was on Al-Bureij camp in the middle of the Strip, resulting in dozens of martyrs and wounded, most of whom are still trapped under the rubble.

The Civil Defense in the Gaza Strip estimated the presence of more than 50 people in the homes targeted by the enemy army east of Al-Bureij camp.. confirming that the enemy used American-made destructive bombs in its bombing of the residential block.

The Civil Defense called on the Red Cross to coordinate immediately for its crews to enter East Al-Bureij to rescue dozens of people trapped under the rubble. It p
ointed out that dozens of distress calls had been received from inside the homes targeted by the Zionist enemy.

It also reported that entire families had been erased from the civil registry in the Al-Bureij massacre, while most of the martyrs were still under the rubble.

The Civil Defense indicated that its crews had arrived in the area, but enemy aircraft had targeted them, where one of its members was injured, forcing it to withdraw.

In turn, the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza reported that the Zionist enemy had committed three massacres against families in the Strip during the past 24 hours, of which 26 martyrs and 84 injuries had arrived at hospitals.

The Palestinian Ministry of Health announced in its daily report that the death toll from the Zionist aggression had risen to 41,252 martyrs and 95,497 injuries since October 7, while a number of victims were still under the rubble and on the roads that ambulance and civil defense crews could not reach.

Meanwhile, the NGO Network warned of the d
eterioration of the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip, in light of the ongoing genocidal war that has been going on for nearly a year, in addition to preventing the entry of humanitarian aid, and the continued displacement of a large number of citizens in most areas.

The network expressed, in a statement issued today, Tuesday, its concern about the reality of the displaced, especially with the approach of winter; whether those in dilapidated tents, or in crowded shelters, or those who have rehabilitated parts of their destroyed homes, which may collapse at any time.

In light of the tragic events and horrific massacres taking place in the Gaza Strip today, Palestinian factions denounced today the Zionist enemy’s bombing of a number of homes in Al-Bureij in the central Gaza Strip, which resulted in dozens of martyrs and wounded, most of whom are still under the rubble.. stressing that it is a continuation of the crime of genocide.

The Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas said in a statement that the enem
y committed a new massacre by carrying out “brutal and intensive bombardment” that included a residential area crowded with residents in Al-Bureij camp, which resulted in the destruction of homes over the heads of their residents, and dozens of martyrs and wounded.

The movement stressed that the repetition of these crimes is “an insistence by the terrorist Zionist enemy army in the war of extermination, and the direct and deliberate targeting of defenseless civilians.”

It pointed out that this massacre against civilians comes “amidst reprehensible international silence, and a state of complete paralysis of the international system from taking its role in activating the laws of protecting civilians in wars, and obligating the occupation government to implement decisions to stop the aggression, and hold Zionist war criminals accountable for their crimes.”

The Palestinian Mujahideen Movement considered these new massacres to be part of the open war, through which the enemy government seeks to break its will,
its adherence to its land, and to proceed with plans for displacement and liquidation of the Palestinian cause.

In a statement, it said: “The American administration is a partner of the enemy in all its brutal crimes against our people, as it continues to brazenly support the criminal Netanyahu government, and provide international cover and military and financial support.”

For its part, the Resistance Committees in Palestine indicated that the horrific massacre in Al-Bureij camp would not have taken place without full cover and support from the American administration, which is a partner in the aggression against the Palestinian people.

In a press statement, it renewed its call to the masses of the Arab and Islamic nation, and to the free people of the world to carry out the broadest popular movement in all squares and fields to stop the massacres in Gaza.

As for the Palestinian Freedom Movement, it stressed that “the continuation of the massacres against the sons of the Palestinian people at an escalati
ng pace, which satisfies the passion for bloodshed of the Nazi occupation army and its fascist leaders, confirms that space of comfort and security enjoyed by the Zionist war machine.” It pointed out that this “would not have happened without the American and Western support, and the silence of the international community and the Arab and Islamic nation.”

The Free Movement said: “What happened in Al-Bureij, a massacre that makes the human forehead blush, confirms the bankruptcy of the enemy’s target bank, and its transition to the stage of killing for the sake of killing civilians, and reflects the extent of the state of defeat in which it is immersed in the field.”

Source: Yemen News Agency