Sat. Sep 14th, 2024

SANA’A – SABA: The General Electricity Corporation, led by Dr. Mishaal al-Rifi, is rigorously implementing an emergency plan to ensure a stable power supply for the upcoming celebrations of the Prophet’s birthday.

Dr. Al-Rifi announced that technical and supervisory teams are actively monitoring critical power infrastructure, including 132-kilovolt transmission lines, 33-kilovolt distribution lines, and main transformer stations across the Ibb region.

They have completed inspections of the 132-kilovolt line connecting Ibb and Taiz and confirmed the readiness of the Ibb main transformer station.

Highlighting the efforts of the technical teams, Dr. Al-Rifi emphasized the need for heightened vigilance and daily reporting to maintain optimal performance.

Additionally, he inaugurated the restoration of electricity to Tabi’i station in Ba’adan district, marking a significant milestone as the station had been offline for over a decade.

This restoration will soon benefit al-Sha’ir district, contributing to the
overall preparedness for the celebrations.

Source: Yemen News Agency