Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

The district of Dhamar governorate witnessed on Friday eight mass marches to condemn the continued Zionist massacres against the Palestinian people in Gaza and to confirm the stability of the Yemeni position in support of the Palestinian cause entitled “With Gaza … The stability of the position and the continuity of jihad.”

During the marches in the city of Dhamar and the directorates of “Utmah, Wusab Al Ali, Al-Ahad, Al-Mishrafa, Wusab As Safil, Dawran Aness, Jabal Ash Sharq and Al-Manar” in the presence of members of the House of Representatives and the Shura Council, the governorate’s agents and executive, academic, security and judicial leaders, the participants chanted slogans condemning the continuation of the war of genocide, ethnic cleansing and the siege of the Palestinian people in Gaza.

They stressed the steadfastness of the Yemeni position in support of the Palestinian people and the Palestinian cause and its valiant resistance and the continuation of jihad in the face of the Zionist enemy an
d its supporters “America and Britain.”

The statement stressed the continuation of the mobilization and public alert to the training and qualification camps for the mobilization forces to acquire the skills and combat experience required by the battle and full readiness to fight the direct battle with the Zionist, American and Zionist enemy.

Source: Yemen News Agency