Wed. Sep 18th, 2024

The foreign ministers of Germany, Egypt, France and Jordan affirmed during a meeting in Munich today their commitment to a just, comprehensive and lasting peace in the Middle East on the basis of the Two-State Solution.

In a joint statement, the four foreign ministers emphasized their “commitment to support all efforts to achieve a just, lasting and comprehensive peace that fulfills the legitimate rights of all parties on the basis of the Two-State Solution, in accordance with international law, relevant United Nations resolutions and agreed parameters, including the Arab Peace Initiative.”

The statement read, “We see with concern increasing tensions on the ground. Against this backdrop, we recall the urgency of the resumption of serious, meaningful and effective talks and negotiations directly between the parties or under a UN umbrella, including under the Middle East Quartet.”

The statement underlined the importance of “creating political and economic horizons. In that regard, we would like to see further mutual confidence-building measures based on reciprocal commitments, with a view to improving living conditions for the Palestinian people and restoring meaningful negotiations.”

“We stress the need to refrain from all unilateral measures that undermine the Two-State Solution and the prospects of a just and lasting peace, in particular the building and expansion of settlements, the confiscation of land and the eviction of Palestinians from their homes, including in East Jerusalem, as well as from any acts of violence and incitement,” said the four foreign ministers.

“In this context, we stress that the rights of the residents of Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan neighborhoods with regard to their homes must be respected.”

The statement recalled the importance of “upholding the historic and legal status quo of the Holy sites in Jerusalem. In this regard, we recall the importance of the historic Hashemite custodianship of Jerusalem’s Holy sites.”

“We reaffirm the indispensable role of UNRWA and the need to provide it with the political and financial support it needs to continue to fulfill its UN mandate and provide its vital services to refugees,” added the statement.

“We will continue to work with all parties to create realistic horizons for the resumption of a credible political process. We stress that the attainment of a just and lasting peace is a strategic objective that is in the interest of all parties and key to regional security and stability.”

Source: Palestinian News & Info Agency (WAFA)