Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

Economy, Industry and Investment Ministry and its affiliated entities organized on Wednesday an event to honor former Minister Mohammed Sharaf Al-Mutahar.

During the event, Minister of Economy, Industry and Investment, Eng. Moeen Al-Mahaqri, praised the efforts of the former minister who led the ministry during difficult circumstances resulting from the repercussions of the aggression and siege.

He pointed out that the former minister achieved successes in many aspects, stressing the importance of completing what he started and developing work mechanisms to keep pace with the requirements of constructive change stage .

While the Vice President of the General Federation of Commerce Chambers and Industry, Mohamed Salah, noted the former minister cooperation with the private sector and the partnership achieved that contributed to achieving many positive results for the private sector and citizens.

At the end of the event, Economy and Industry Minister honored the former minister, Al-Mutahar, with the Minis
try’s shield, and he was also honored with shields from the electronic portal and the Ministry’s sectors, the Cement and Textile Corporations and the Specifications Authority.

In turn, the Director General of the General Federation of Commerce Chambers and Industry, Mohamed Qafla, handed over the shields of the Federation and the Chamber in the capital’s secretariat to the former minister.

Source: Yemen News Agency