Sun. Sep 8th, 2024

The Central Emergency Development Interventions Unit at the Ministry of Finance launched on Thursday the fourth batch of support for community initiatives projects in the districts of Dhamar province.

The inauguration includes the distribution of 19,000 bags of cement and 65,000 liters of diesel as part of the first and second phases of the Community Initiatives Support Program.

During the inauguration, the Undersecretary of the Governorate, Ali Atef, praised the efforts of the Interventions Unit in supporting and encouraging the community to adopt initiatives by providing cement and diesel, providing some mechanisms, as well as direct intervention in the implementation of a number of road projects in the districts.

He called on everyone to interact and use the support to adopt more initiatives that meet the needs of the community from service and development projects.

Engineer Fadl Al-Harbi, Director of Initiatives in Dhamar Governorate, stressed that the governorate is witnessing, today, a great momentu
m in the field of community initiatives in various sectors.

He pointed out that the total initiatives implemented, during the last year 1445 AH, amounted to 385 initiatives at a cost of five billion and 671 million and 516 thousand of them, one billion and 153 million and 838 thousand and 822 riyals funded by the Central Intervention Unit.

He stated that 94 self-initiatives and 291 initiatives were supported, including 302 in the road sector, 30 in education, 25 in water, 13 in health, 5 in sanitation and the environment, and ten other initiatives.

Mohamed Nashwan, representative of the Central Interventions Unit in Dhamar and Al-Bayda governorates, said this support represents the fourth batch of the first and second phases of the Community Initiatives Support Program, noting the importance of adopting development initiatives in various sectors.

Fouad al-Qudaimi, director of Wessab al-Safil district, and Hamoud Sebaa, secretary-general of the local council in al-Manar district, stressed the importance of
the support provided by the Central Emergency Development Interventions Unit in motivating the community to implement and complete community initiatives in various sectors.

Source: Yemen News Agency