Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

The committee charged with following up on the projects implementation in Sana’a Province, headed by the Secretary-General of the Local Council, Abdul Qadir Al-Jilani, discussed the social construction projects implementation level approved in the province’s plan for the year 1445 AH.

The meeting, which included the Undersecretary of Local Administration Ministry for the Local Plans and Budgets Sector, Muhammad Al-Sanhani, the Undersecretary of the Province for Technical Affairs, Engineer Saleh Al-Muntasir, the Province Advisor, Abdullah Al-Marouni, and the Director of the Education Office – Social Construction Committee Responsible, Hadi Ammar, reviewed the level of implementation of the 1445 AH Plan projects, until the end of Muharram 17 of this month. .

The attendees touched on the difficulties faced in projects implementation included in the plan in various fields, stressing the importance of addressing these difficulties in a way that meets the ambitions of the local authority to advance aspects of dev
elopment in the province.

The completion report, which was reviewed at the meeting, stated that the completed projects from the plan amounted to eight projects, while the projects under implementation amounted to six projects, and one semi-completed project, out of a total of 15 projects, with a completion rate of 81 percent, at a cost of 331 million and 444 thousand riyals.

At the meeting, Secretary-General Al-Jilani urged the necessity of completing all documents for the implemented projects, as well as completing projects implementation approved in the plan, and liquidating all projects in the plans of the past years.

Source: Yemen News Agency