Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

A meeting chaired by the Mayor of the Capital, Dr. Hamoud Abad, discussed on Monday the cleanliness and improvement sector preparations to celebrate the Prophet’s Birthday anniversary.

The meeting, attended by Assistant Undersecretary Naji Al-Qusi, Executive Director of the Cleanliness Fund Mohammed Sharafuddin, Directors of the Cleanliness Project Ibrahim Al-Sarabi, Machinery Yasser Al-Othali, Public Parks Samir Hamza, Technical Authority Rafiq Amer, and Municipalities Syndicate President Mohammed Al-Marzouki, reviewed the plans for cleaning, improvement, agriculture, public parks and providing the necessary needs for good preparation to commemorate this great occasion.

The meeting discussed the work paths, mobilization of resources and the speed of providing the requirements to implement the work , preparations , highlight the manifestations of joy and rejoicing on the Prophet’s Birthday anniversary.

Abad stressed on intensifying efforts and raising the work pace in the cleanliness, improvement, public p
arks and agriculture sector, and optimal preparation for the celebration of this great occasion, and showing the capital and its streets in a joyful manner befitting the greatness of the Prophet’s birth anniversary and the mankind master.

He urged interaction and mobilization for the events and activities of the Prophet’s Birthday, wide participation in the campaigns to maintain cleanliness, decorating , tree planting, and honorable presence at the central event of the occasion, out of love and honor for the Holy Prophet, may Allah bless him , his family and peace be upon him.

Source: Yemen News Agency