Mon. Sep 16th, 2024

A meeting in Al-Bayda Province , headed by the Province’s Undersecretary for Administrative Units Affairs, Abdullah Al-Jamali, discussed the arrangements for transferring external transport sorting to locations outside Al-Bayda city.

The meeting, which included traffic police directors Colonel Hassan Al-Bukhaiti, the General Authority for Land Transport branch Abdul Salam Thawra, and the local mayor of Al-Bayda city , Sadiq Al-Qadi, touched on aspects related to reorganizing traffic lines and urban transport and arranging traffic for the internal transport sector in the city’s neighborhoods and streets to alleviate congestion in the capital.

At the meeting, Al-Jamali stressed the importance of developing quick solutions and treatments in order to reduce congestion on the main streets and regulate traffic routes that cause congestion in public places.

He urged everyone to interact with the transportation sorting campaign and install posters to regulate bus movement, which comes within the framework of the g
eneral project to reorganize traffic and land transport routes.

Source: Yemen News Agency