Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

A meeting in Dhamar province, chaired by Governor Mohammed al-Bukhaiti, has focused on supporting seed producers and establishing community seed banks across various districts.

This initiative is part of the Rapid Response to Food Security Project, implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), funded by the World Bank Group.

The meeting reviewed FAO’s interventions aimed at achieving food security by bolstering the agricultural sector, particularly through the establishment of seed producer groups and seed banks in targeted districts.

Governor al-Bukhaiti emphasized the local authority’s commitment to facilitating the success of the project and meeting urgent agricultural needs. He highlighted the importance of raising awareness about preserving local seeds and protecting them from potential threats.

He also underscored the need to build the capacities of agricultural workers to improve crop production and maintain seed quality, relying on local varieties to achieve sel
f-sufficiency and align with the revolutionary and political leadership’s goals for food security.

Eng. Mounir al-Marwani, director of the branch of the Supreme Council for the Management and Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in Dhamar, stressed the importance of supporting plans to advance the agricultural sector and building farmer capabilities to achieve self-sufficiency.

Dr. Moin al-Jarmouzi, Community Seed Banks Consultant at FAO, highlighted the project’s role in supporting seed producers and enhancing agricultural output.

The project aims to establish four seed banks in Otmah, al-Manar, Jahran, and Wusab al-Safil districts, and form management committees to meet farmers’ seed needs in these areas.

Source: Yemen News Agency