Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

The General Authority for Land and Survey, the Agriculture and Irrigation Office, and Rusaba Dairy Farm in Dhamar province on Sunday organized protests in solidarity with the Palestinian people and to bless recent security achievements and authorize the Political leadership decisions.

Participants in the protests condemned the war of extermination being waged against the Palestinian people, which occurs in full view of the world and violates all religious principles and values, as well as international and humanitarian norms and laws.

The participants commended the achievements of the security services in uncovering a spy cell, the operations of the armed forces that penetrated deep into the Zionist enemy’s territory, and the prevention of ships heading to its ports.

They called for continued efforts in the fifth phase of escalation.

The protesters expressed their support for the leadership’s decisions to take all necessary actions to support the Palestinian people and to respond decisively to Israeli agg
ression on Hodeida.

The protest statements praised the resilience of the Palestinian people in the face of the Zionist and American killing and destruction machine and urged more operations by the armed forces as part of the fifth escalation phase initiated by Operation “Jaffa.”

They called on the peoples and free individuals worldwide to take practical action to stop the Zionist crimes, which are supported by America and the West, against the people of Gaza.

The statements praised all efforts that enhance the unity and cohesion of the Palestinian ranks, reiterating the steadfast support of the Yemeni people for the Palestinian cause until the defeat of the occupying enemy and the establishment of the Palestinian state with al-Quds as its capital.

Source: Yemen News Agency