Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

Directors of Community Initiatives in Ibb province Bandar al-Ahdal and Hazm Al-Udayn district Zakaria al-Masawi on Monday conducted an inspection of several initiative projects supported by the Central Emergency Development Interventions Unit at the Ministry of Finance.

During the visit, al-Ahdal and al-Masawi reviewed the progress of key projects, including the completion of the road paving from Naqil Aran to Wadi Hana, which costs 12.56 million Y.R with a 4.08 million Y.R contribution from the unit.

They also examined the construction of a retaining wall and fence for al-Salam Secondary School in Bani Wael, costing 7.12 million Y.R, with the unit contributing 2.52 million riyals.

The inspection covered various initiatives under the Community Initiatives Support Program and the program for improving rural road services, fully funded by the Central Emergency Development Interventions Unit.

The team also began assessing further needs in Hazm Al-Udayn for road expansion and paving.

Bandar Al-Ahdal emphasiz
ed the crucial role of these initiatives in local development, noting their impact on alleviating community hardships.

Zakaria al-Masawi stressed the importance of community involvement and timely project completion. Eng. Ahmed Nayef, representing the Central Emergency Development Interventions Unit, stated that these visits align with the directives of Deputy Prime Minister Dr. Rashid Abu Lahoum and the unit’s leadership, ensuring effective progress of development projects.

Source: Yemen News Agency