Wed. Sep 18th, 2024

Deputy Minister of Public Health and Population Dr. Mutahar Al-Marwani inspected today the work at the Republican General Hospital in Mahweet Governorate.

Dr. Al-Marwani listened to an explanation of the level of medical services provided by the hospital in various medical specialties, the most prominent needs of medical devices and supplies, medicines, difficulties facing workflow and ways to address them.

The Deputy Minister of Health praised the level of medical and therapeutic services at the Republican Hospital for patients. He stressed the Ministry’s support for the hospital’s efforts and work to meet its needs according to the available capabilities.

He urged redoubling efforts to improve the level of medical services for patients, praising the role of the medical and administrative staff working in the hospital, especially in light of the difficult and exceptional circumstances that the country is going through due to the repercussions of the aggression and blockade.

Source: Yemen News Agency