Wed. Sep 18th, 2024

Ministry of Defense Undersecretary Sheikh Dr. Abdullah Meshal Al-Sabah commended Kuwait and China’s keenness on boosting cooperation and joint work on all fields, especially in military.

This came according to a press statement by the ministry Monday, during Sheikh Abdullah Al-Sabah’s participation, representing Chief of General Staff of Kuwait Army, in the Chinese embassy’s celebration Sunday of the 97th anniversary of founding the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, in response to the invitation of Chinese Ambassador Zhang Jianwei and Chinese Defense Attache Xue Chuanlai.

The two sides have achieved remarkable progress and consensus in the fields of military education and training, an example of which is the weapons and ammunition factory at the Supply and Logistics Authority, said the Undersecretary. He stated that participation in China’s national celebration affirms the political leadership’s keenness to develop cooperation and relations between the two countries.

Commander of the Land Forces Major Gene
ral Khaled Zayed and several senior military leaders in Kuwaiti army attended the ceremony.

Source: Kuwait News Agency