Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

An expanded meeting was held on Monday, chaired by Minister of Culture and Tourism Dr. Ali Al-Yafei, and included the ministry’s leaders and the directors of the Culture and Tourism Sectors’ offices in Capital Secretariat.

The meeting, which was attended by Culture and Tourism Deputy Minister Abdullah Al-Washli, discussed aspects related to organizing work, improving and developing performance and unifying efforts, and the most prominent issues facing the work and ways to address them.

During the meeting, Minister Al-Yafei emphasized the progress towards developing cultural and tourism work in a way that contributes to serving construction and development, facilitating , simplifying procedures and transactions for citizens, touching their concerns , issues, and overcoming all issues, especially those imposed by the aggression and siege.

Minister Al-Yafei pointed out the need to support the ministry’s efforts during the next phase because of its importance in implementing the program of the government of co
nstruction and change, in addition to building capacities, strengthening infrastructure and implementing strategic projects that achieve sustainability , cultural and tourism development that contribute to the overall development process.

The directors of the offices of the culture and tourism sectors stressed their keenness to redouble their efforts and work alongside the ministry’s leadership to make its plans and programs a success.

Source: Yemen News Agency