Sat. Sep 14th, 2024


The local authority and public mobilization in Raymah province held celebratory events, cultural evenings and various activities to commemorate the Prophet Muhammad’s birthday (PBUH).

The local authority and public mobilization in Kasma district organized a speech event on this occasion, in the presence of Shura Council member Ahmed Muqbel, the first deputy governor of the province, Mohammed Al-Haidari, the district director , Haider Al-Jaboub, and social figures.

At the event, various speeches and paragraphs were delivered, all of which referred to the meanings and values of faith expressed by the Yemenis in celebrating and honoring the Holy Prophet’s birth, the mobilization and active participation in the occasion central event, which will be held next Sunday in the province center.

The speeches emphasized the importance of embodying the Prophet’s ethics and following his example, values, principles , morals in word and deed.

They pointed out the nation’s oppression is experiencing as a
result of its lack of connection to the Holy Qur’an and the Prophet’s teachings in the face of the tyrants of the age, Israel, America, Britain and their Arab allies.

Participants in the march, which was led by the leadership and cadres of the educational sector in the province and the directorate, chanted slogans condemning the crimes of the Zionist enemy against the people of Gaza, loyalty to God, His Messenger and the flags of guidance in the enemies’ face of the nation, and support for Al-Aqsa.

Source: Yemen News Agency