Wed. Sep 18th, 2024

A cultural event was held in Bilad Al-Rus District in Sana’a Province on noble Prophet’s migration anniversary.

At the event, Director of the Directorate, Saleh Naji, pointed out the importance of the occasion of the Prophet’s migration and the nation’s connection to it, indicating that the migration was the beginning of Muhammad’s message and the exit from the stages of conspiracy by the infidels of Quraysh to those who supported the religion, from the immigrants and supporters.

He touched on what Muhammad’s message of migration achieved in terms of the spread of Islam throughout the earth, pointing to what links the Yemeni people to the occasion of migration through those who supported Islam, the descendants of Aws and Khazraj, stressing the importance of adhering to Ansar’s approach in supporting the nation , its issues and the oppression of the Palestinian people.

The event included various paragraphs that emphasized the importance of imitating the path of the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be
upon him and his family, following in the footsteps of Ansar, and adhering to the choices of the Yemeni people in supporting the Palestinian resistance.

Source: Yemen News Agency