Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

A cultural event was held on Tuesday in al-Duraihimi district of Hodeida province province to celebrate the anniversary of the Prophet Muhammad’s birth.

The gathering, organized for the educational sector and residents of al-Nakhila area, honored the occasion with speeches and activities reflecting on the virtues and significance of the Prophet’s life.

The event underscored the importance of this religious milestone as a time to renew loyalty to the Prophet and draw inspiration from his exemplary conduct.

Speakers emphasized that commemorating the Prophet’s birthday is not only a celebration of his teachings but also a call to embrace and uphold his values.

Attendees, including educational leaders, sheikhs, social figures, and scholars, engaged in various segments designed to highlight the profound impact of the Prophet’s message and its relevance to contemporary issues.

The event aimed to reinforce the principles of the Muhammadan message and encourage a return to the Prophet’s noble example.

Yemen News Agency