Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

Cairo, The Arab League emphasized its support for the State of Qatar and the Arab Republic of Egypt’s efforts to achieve a permanent ceasefire and restore normalcy in the Gaza Strip.

This came in Resolution No. 9059 issued during the extraordinary session of the Council of the Arab League at the level of permanent representatives, convened at the request of the State of Palestine in light of ongoing genocidal crimes committed by Israel against the Palestinian people for nearly nine consecutive months. This is coupled with recent measures by the occupying government to hinder the realization of Palestinian statehood and continue plans to annex occupied West Bank territories.

The Council warned against Israel’s continued genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza, as well as its plans for annexation of the occupied West Bank territories and expansion of illegal settlements. In this regard, the Council condemned Israel’s refusal to comply with relevant UN Security Council resolutions calling for ceasefire
, and the binding orders of the International Court of Justice to cease the killing and infliction of physical and mental harm on civilians.

The Council called on the international community and the Security Council to take effective and decisive action to immediately halt the genocide and hold Israel accountable for its crimes. It strongly condemned the aggressive policies and measures taken by the Israeli occupation government against the State of Palestine, aiming to prevent its independence on the ground, including the legalization of five settlement outposts in strategic areas of the occupied West Bank, authorization and construction of thousands of new settlement units, undermining the civil and economic authority of the Palestinian government over approximately 80% of the occupied West Bank territories, and confiscation of Palestinian government and people’s funds, along with imposing sanctions on Palestinian officials.

The Council affirmed that any Israeli government action to implement its plans to
annex any part of the occupied Palestinian territory of 1967, whether de facto or through invalid legislation, constitutes a new Israeli war crime. It called on the international community to exert pressure and impose deterrent measures on Israel to compel it to halt its unlawful annexation and colonial settlement practices, which undermine opportunities for achieving peace and a two-state solution.

Source: Qatar News Agency