Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The confessions of the US-Israeli spy cell broadcast by the security services this evening revealed the curricula that have been changed to target the education sector in the Republic of Yemen.

The spy Mohammed Al-Mekhlafi, recruited by US intelligence in 1990, considered the CLB project one of the American projects implemented by the Creative Organization with funding from the United States Agency for Development to target education in Yemen, indicating that the project has many components in health and education, and was focused on developing reading curricula for grades “1-3”, called the reading approach.

“The team of the Creative project in Yemen from an administrative point of view, first it was Joey Duplessey and then Ernst, two Americans affiliated with the US intelligence, and then Mohammed Matar Palestinian, who was appointed as the director of the project because he is part of the intelligence,” he said.

“The early reading approach was initially a team prepared, when Education Minister Abdul Razz
aq al-Ashwal was appointed one of my students, who contacted me and told me that we had modified the composition of the team and I became tasked with heading the team,” he said.

Al-Mekhlafi reviewed the subversive activities of the project, represented in the visit of the work team to the Arab Republic of Egypt to see its experience in education, and the arrangement was through the US Agency for Development in coordination with the Egyptian expert Fathi Al-Ashry, and the Egyptian Ministry of Education was visited and seen how the project was implemented there.

He added, “The American intervention in the Egyptian curricula began in the eighties and the issues of normalization and the curriculum is proceeding according to this thing, so the declared goal was to identify the Egyptian experience and benefit from it, while the hidden goal is to impress them with what is there and try to transfer some things and rearrange them in Yemen.”

Hidden Goals:

“There were two foreign experts, Sandra American, and Fathi
Al-Ashry, who adopted the idea of the early reading approach project and its basic steps because the idea of the project is American, and Fathi Al-Ashry because he implemented it in Egypt has experience in applying the experience to the Arabic language, while the basic idea was for the American Sandra, who attends the project’s activities.” American intelligence spy Almekhlafi continues his speech.

He touched on the hidden goals of the Americans behind the project, which is to generalize a program that needs capabilities that are not available, and it will not lead to the achievement of the desired goals that students master the required skills, but on the contrary, they will not be mastered.

“The second thing, the goal was to provide great potential to be documented for experimentation and then to be used in other countries just as they used their success in Egypt and Morocco based on convincing us that this project or program will benefit us in Yemen, and they only want sabotage and this is evident in the
early reading approach by circulating the ministry’s program and it has no potential to provide it,” he said.

According to the spy Al-Mekhlafi, one of the hidden American goals in the early reading project is to confirm the continuation of the overall method, which has particular caveats for us, for example, the possibility of neglecting the step of analyzing words into letters with large numbers of students.

Targeting students in grades 1-3:

The US intelligence did not remain anything but targeted even children at an early age, and the first grades in education schools, most notably grades “1-3”, to corrupt the generation and occupy it with other things, due to the difficulty of lessons in the curriculum.

In this regard, the US intelligence spy Mujeeb Al-Mekhlafi, who recruited it in 2005, confirmed that the US agency focused mainly and largely on the issue of supporting reading and arithmetic and the category of students from “1-3”, the basic cycle of education in general.

“If this category is built fr
om “1-3″, well, the outputs will be good, and if it is built weakly, the results and outputs will be weak,” he said, noting that the approach of early reading or “read and learn” as it is currently called is seven steps in which the role of the teacher and the learner is played.

He added, “A problem occurs in the child, as he remains during a whole semester, using one strategy, while one of the characteristics of children at this stage from the first grade to the third grade must use his full senses “perspective, audio, felt”, and use with him various strategies and not one strategy and this first defect.

“The second defect was that al-Qaeda al-Baghdadi should have been developed in line with the reality of the Yemeni school and its needs, as well as in line with our heritage, for example, children in the past had a so-called school system and an eight-year-old child would be able to read the entire Qur’an through his use of al-Qaeda al-Baghdadi and the way it was taught,” he said.

He pointed out that most
high school students cannot read and arithmetic, adding, “If we calculate from (2013-2023 AD), students who were in the first grade of primary school are today in grades 10, 11, 12, and these three classes have a big problem in the subject of reading and arithmetic, which reflected or directly affected education at this stage.”

American concepts in Arabic language books:

The spy Muhammad Hatem Al-Mekhlafi confirms that the reading book for the third grade of basic education, part two, edition of 1441 AH, its content is the same as the content of the edition of 1436 AH.

“We worked as a team within the framework of the three main concepts that the American seeks to include in the curricula of Arab and Islamic countries, which are: spreading the culture of peace and its hidden meaning is spreading surrender and submission to the enemy, combating extremism and terrorism and its hidden meaning is to keep the nation’s youth away from jihad and resisting the enemy and occupation, and the third concept is taking i
nto account the principles of gender, which includes among its hidden concepts the spread of mixing and make-up and so on,” he said.

US intelligence spy Mohammed al-Mikhlafi pointed to the leak of pictures and attitudes that reduce hostility to Christians, and instill love for them and their symbols, including the inclusion of the cross sign on the image of the horse carriage and pictures of Christmas trees, which are images symbolizing Christians.

He added, “The negative concepts that we introduced as a team in this book, leaking the concepts of atheism through a puzzle that talks about the air as if it were just a natural phenomenon and not as a blessing from the many blessings of God Almighty on us, and the air did not emerge as a blessing, but as a natural phenomenon.”

Gradient preparation for normalization by intimidating children:

The United States intelligence used the dirtiest means to domesticate people, including children, to instill fear in them, including the issue of stone children, in the fr
amework of its destructive projects and plans for the education sector in the Republic of Yemen.

“The gradual preparation for normalization by intimidation through the subject of children of stones and in a note even on the lesson, it was the revolution of the children of stones, but the title of the lesson is just the children of stones, so in this lesson pictures were included of Israeli soldiers arresting some children and torturing them, and this is intimidation and negative suggestion, which then leads to torture and arrest, while children were supposed to be highlighted throwing the Israeli enemy, to instill in children the spirit of jihad and resistance to occupation,” said spy Mohammed al-Mekhlafi.

He stressed that this work was carried out under the guidance of the US intelligence through the directives of the authoring teams in the materials that were prepared, including the Arabic language team. “The hidden goals of the Americans are to know the level of support from various Arab countries for th
e Palestinian cause and classify the support, either strong, medium, weak, or none, and then use the information collected in the projects that the American plans to intervene in those countries by seeking to reduce the level of power for countries that have strong support for the Palestinian cause and so on for the Mediterranean to weaken support until it ends completely,” he added.

“In the end, the American aims to support Israel as well as its plans to normalize Arab countries with the Israeli enemy, and this is one of the hidden goals of all its interventions to target education in Arab countries,” the spy said.

Source: Yemen News Agency