Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

New confessions of members of the US-Israeli spy cell published by the security services today revealed the American targeting of the popular and social reality in Yemen.

The confessions confirmed that the American targeting of the popular and social reality revealed the reality of hostility and its great level, as the Americans were not satisfied with their control over the puppet regime, but also wanted to influence society at all levels and all groups, and worked to influence its orientations, decisions and movement to serve their malicious agenda.

The confessions of the members of the spy cell also revealed that the American was keen to target young people, exploit their energies and employ them to serve his projects and subversive agenda to target the present and future of Yemen.

It pointed out that the enemies’ targeting of women comes out of their awareness of the importance of their role and their great influence at the level of the family and society in general, and an attempt to provoke conflict
between them and men and create models and women leaders working to implement American projects and agenda against Yemeni women.

It touched on the methods and means of targeting the systematic American enemy of Yemeni women to distort their identity and attract them to work for him.

According to the confessions and documents of the spy network, America’s projects directed towards Yemeni women are not to ease the burdens of life or to create real education, education and rehabilitation that enables women to carry out their responsibilities towards their families and society, but rather aim in fact to turn them either into discontent with their male brother, society, religion, identity, customs and traditions, or to corrupt them morally to become just a worthless commodity.

The confessions confirmed that the US enemy’s focus on targeting the Yemeni tribe aims to undermine its important and historically influential role in confronting the invaders and preserving the identity and independence of Yemen.

It poi
nted out that targeting the tribe and attracting sheikhs and social destinations was previously done through the Saudi regime and its special committee in the interest of the American project, and with the beginning of the third millennium, America tended directly to target the Yemeni tribe and try to penetrate it and recruit some sheikhs and influential figures with a focus on tribes located in important geographical areas or close to oil wealth.

According to the confessions, Al-Amriki worked to target many civil society organizations and turn them into a lever and a front for the implementation of his espionage projects and exploit them to influence society.

It pointed out that Al-Amriki worked to penetrate the popular reality through projects with an espionage agenda targeting local councils, their members and their activities as a decentralized authority and with a direct relationship with society.

The confessions also confirmed the systematic US targeting of minorities and Bilal’s descendants with the
aim of isolating them from society, complicating and mobilizing them against it, and mobilizing them against society and the state

Source: Yemen News Agency