Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

A training program in the documentary cycle field for construction projects was concluded on Thursday in Sana’a, funded by the Skills Development Fund.

The goal of the program, which was organized in ten days by the Petroleum and Mineral Training Center in cooperation with the Skills Development Fund, is to provide 20 trainees from the Yemeni Oil Company’s cadres with knowledge and skills in preparing , developing technical documents, and organizing them according to a unified mechanism for the company’s engineering works.

The Director of Training at the Skills Development Fund, Jamal Al-Marqab, explained that the course comes within a series of programs and training courses, which the Fund implements with its funding to meet training needs, and within the framework of its training plans to meet the needs of shareholders from the private, public and mixed sectors, and in a way that leads to raising the efficiency of workers in different sectors.

While the Director of the Petroleum and Mineral Training Cent
er, Anas Al-Asbahi, indicated that the trainees were assigned to work on individual and group projects, which were discussed within the contents of the training program.

Source: Yemen News Agency