Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

China’s permanent ambassador to the UN, Zhang Jun said the international community should stay committed, and work together to translate the two-state solution from consensus into action and from vision into reality.

During his remarks at the UN Security Council briefing on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question, the Chinese ambassador said the Palestinian-Israeli question has been on the UN agenda for over seven decades. During this time, generations of Palestinians have seen their hair graying, their childhoods lost in tears, and their hopes dashed in waiting.

He stressed that every day of inaction by the international community is a disservice to peace, a betrayal of justice, and a failure to the next generation.

He also called on all parties to show their conscience, uphold justice, and fulfill their commitments with actions. “We hope that the United Nations and the Security Council will take substantive steps to advance the two-state solution, and support the Palestinian people in restoring and exercising their inalienable rights so that Palestine and Israel can coexist in peace, the two peoples, Arabs and Jews, can live in harmony, and lasting peace can be achieved in the Middle East.”

“China supports the full implementation of the two-state solution. The historical injustice suffered by the Palestinian people cannot be prolonged indefinitely. Their legitimate national rights cannot be traded. And their demand for independent statehood cannot be vetoed. The international community should stay committed, and work together to translate the two-state solution from consensus into action and from vision into reality.” He said.

Source: Palestine News and information Agency