Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Sana’a Change and Reconstruction Government on Thursday held its first meeting, chaired by PM Ahmed al-Rahawi, that opened with mourning the Yemeni and Palestinian martyrs.

The meeting reviewed the overall parameters of the government’s general agenda expected to be submitted to the Parliament.

The parameters are based on instructions given by the revolution’s leader, Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, and those delivered by chairman of the Supreme Political Council, Mahdi al-Mashat, at his meeting with the cabinet.

The government formed a ministerial, technical assistant team to draft its general program, as soon as possible, and present it to the cabinet’s next meeting for discussion and approval, in preparation for submission to the Parliament for further discussion and approval.

The government will build on achievements of the previous government, and will seek to bring about additional gains, PM Rahawi told his cabinet, noting that sincere intents, honesty, trust and willing to make change are basic factors for

Source: Yemen News Agency