Ceremony honoring Al-Hodeida University winners President’s Award for Scientific Publishing

Al-Hodeida University organized a ceremony honoring the University winners President’s Award for Scientific Publication, in its third session for the year 2024.

At the ceremony, which was attended by university researchers and academics, postgraduate students, directors of executive offices and private universities in the province, ten researchers were honored with certificates of appreciation and cash.

The President of the University, Dr. Muhammad Al-Ahdal, explained that the award comes within the framework of practical steps to implement the university’s 2025 strategy regarding scientific research , publication, and to upgrade it to serve the nation in all fields, especially in light of the renewed aggression against the nation and its sanctities.

For his part, Dr. Mohammed Salem Al-Wasabi, Assistant Vice President for Postgraduate Studies, spoke about the university’s vision to encourage and motivate researchers through this award for research and scientific publication.

In turn, the Vice Dean of the
College of Computer Science and Engineering, Dr. Mohammed Salem, in his speech to the winners of the award, stressed the importance of scientific research in upgrading the university, its outputs and building a better future in light of the rapid technological development and the qualitative leap.

For his part, the Dean of the Center for Development and Quality Assurance at the University, Dr. Abdullah Al-Nahiri, reviewed the areas of the award in scientific , applied disciplines and medical sciences, as well as several activities to encourage and motivate researchers at Hodeida University in addition to this award, including the University of Hodeida Research Excellence Award, which covers wide ranges in the field of scientific research, including graduation projects submitted by university students.

Source: Yemen News Agency