Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

A responsible source in the Central Bank of Yemen confirmed the continuation of the mechanism for compensating citizens in the occupied governorates in exchange for their savings in legal currency.

The source explained, in a statement to the Yemeni News Agency (Saba), that the points for the compensation mechanism specified by the Central Bank of Yemen at the Al-Raheda Customs Control Center in Taiz Governorate and the Afar Customs Control Center in Al-Bayda governorate, have witnessed 807 compensation operations since their inauguration on June 8 until last Wednesday, during which an amount of two billion, 183 million, and 522 thousand riyals in legal currency was received from citizens in the occupied governorates.

The source pointed out that citizens were compensated at the real value of the illegal currency in the amount of seven billion, 751 million, and 503 thousand riyals, stressing that the mechanism for compensating citizens is continuing at the specified points.

The source renewed his praise for
the awareness of the citizens in those areas regarding their rights and their rejection of attempts to plunder their savings by the so-called Central Bank of Aden, pointing out the confirmation of the Central Bank of Yemen and its keenness on the rights of citizens and protecting them from being exposed to plunder.

Source: Yemen News Agency