Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

The Government of Change and Construction has hosted a celebratory event in Sana’a to mark the tenth anniversary of the September 21 Revolution.

Dr. Abdul Aziz Saleh bin Habtoor, a member of the Supreme Political Council, delivered a speech conveying greetings and congratulations from Mahdi al-Mashat, President of the Supreme Political Council, to all attendees.

He recognized the leader of the revolution, Sayyed Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, for spearheading the movement a decade ago, emphasizing its role in fulfilling the people’s aspirations for freedom and independence.

Dr. Bin Habtoor highlighted that the September 21 Revolution emerged as a strong response to skepticism from its adversaries, noting the formation of an alliance of 18 countries against it. He underscored the revolution’s commitment to jihad and resistance, particularly against what he termed the Zionist project.

He asserted that true revolutions are defined by tangible actions, not just rhetoric, and underscored the focus on natio
nal, humanitarian, and moral values to foster a unique experience within the region.

Dr. Bin Habtoor also addressed the ongoing challenges faced by the Palestinian people, framing them as part of a broader struggle against oppressive forces.

He stated that the alliance of nations opposing the revolution utilizes their extensive resources to sustain the occupation of Palestinian lands.

The member of the Supreme Political Council stated, “Today, we are standing against the world aligned with the Zionist entity and its nefarious agenda. All resources available to the axis of resistance must be mobilized to counter its hostile and criminal intentions.”

Prime Minister Ahmed Ghaleb al-Rahawi then addressed the gathering, which included the Chairman of the Shura Council, Mohammed Al-Aidarous, and the Deputy Prime Minister for Defense and Security Affairs, Lieutenant General Jalal Al-Ruwaishan.

He began by congratulating the Leader of the Revolution, Sayyed Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, along with Field Mar
shal Mahdi Al-Mashat, President of the Supreme Political Council, and the Yemeni people on the tenth anniversary of this victorious revolution.

He noted that this anniversary marks a decade of unity among the Yemeni people around the principles and values that dismantled the alliance of wealth and military power. “The dawn of this new revolution seeks to rectify the misrepresentations of the September 26 and October 14 Revolutions,” he said. “We celebrate this tenth anniversary, acknowledging that the revolution, under the Leader’s guidance, has fulfilled its primary goal of achieving free will, national independence, and the end of foreign domination.”

Al-Rahawi emphasized the revolution’s authenticity and loyalty, asserting its commitment to the Yemeni people’s struggle for justice and against tyranny. He praised the advancements in military capabilities, citing the hypersonic missile strike on a vital target in occupied “Jaffa” (Tel Aviv), which successfully evaded all radar and air defense systems.

described this as a clear indication that Yemen is strengthening its ability to confront adversaries, suggesting that even greater developments lie ahead. al-Rahawi also expressed sorrow over the ongoing violence against the people of Gaza and the recent attacks affecting Lebanese citizens, extending condolences to the martyrs of Yemen, Palestine, Lebanon, and the broader axis of resistance.

In closing, Minister of Culture and Tourism Dr. Ali al-Yafei remarked that the September 21 Revolution is a true continuation of Yemen’s rich history of resistance against oppression and subjugation. He noted that the historical record is replete with examples of Yemeni sacrifices in the fight against injustice and corruption, reflecting the enduring spirit of the people in their quest for freedom and dignity.

He stated, “The connection between yesterday and today represents a revolutionary bond forged by the heroes of Yemen, driven by humanitarian goals and civilizational principles that rise above obliteration, concea
lment, and marginalization.

The glorious September 21 Revolution embodies eternal Yemeni unity, advocating for every oppressed individual and championing the vital issues facing our nation.”

He continued, “Regardless of the challenges and consequences, this revolution stands for humanity, history, civilization, and values. It is a movement for freedom and independence that has shattered the chains of dependency and foreign intervention. Before its victories, all the conspiracies of the arrogant West and its schemes in Yemen and the region crumbled, purging Yemen of mercenaries, agents, and traitors.”

He emphasized that this revolution stands out as the only one that refused to be subservient to either the East or the West, rising with pride and strength despite the challenges. The Yemeni people have paid a significant price for their victory, freedom, and independence, enduring aggression from the U.S. and Saudi Arabia, supported by an international coalition, in retaliation for the success of the Septembe
r 21 Revolution.

He reiterated that the Yemeni revolution is distinguished by its national and humanitarian dimensions, notably in its defense of Islamic sanctities and its commitment to the central issue of the Palestinian cause.

The Minister of Culture and Tourism stated, “The revolutionary, political, and military leadership has shown unwavering support for the Palestinian people and the Gaza Strip in their struggle against Israeli aggression, marking a historic commitment that is unparalleled.” He described this stance as one of the significant achievements of the revolution.

He noted that this revolution has fostered a resilient consciousness free from dependency, defeatism, and external control, exposing various conspiracies in Yemen and the region. Today, it serves as a beacon for the oppressed and an inspiration for all freedom-seeking individuals worldwide, positioning Yemen and its revolution as symbols of pride for the Arab and Islamic nations.

Minister al-Yafei concluded by underscoring the im
portance of celebrating the September 21 Revolution, emphasizing that it emerged not from exclusion or marginalization of any political faction but in response to a history of social oppression, institutional corruption, and foreign domination. This failure of the February 11, 2011, revolution to address these issues propelled the Yemeni people to rise in mass demonstrations.

In his turn, Maj. Gen. Abdulbari al-Shamiri, Inspector General of the Armed Forces, described the September 21 Revolution as a pivotal moment that embodies pride and dignity, correcting the course of previous revolutions. He stated that it has liberated Yemen from foreign guardianship and weakness.

He asserted that a future of freedom and independence can only be built on the foundation laid by this revolution, which restores the Yemeni people’s status and embodies a national project rooted in their will.

He pointed out that this year’s anniversary coincides with a significant occasion in Islamic history: the birth of the Prophet Muha
mmad (peace be upon him). This timing adds a spiritual dimension to the celebrations, linking the revolution against injustice with the prophetic message of bringing people from darkness to light and establishing justice.

Major General Al-Shamiri explained that the revolution’s timing with this great occasion reflects the enduring message of freedom and justice initiated by the Prophet, emphasizing solidarity with the Palestinian people facing genocide in Gaza.

He characterized the Yemeni revolution as a voice for the oppressed and a battle for humanity, highlighting the international community’s inaction towards Palestinian rights. He praised the Yemeni revolution for its clarity and support for the Palestinian cause, particularly when many nations remain silent or complicit.

He also honored the heroes of the armed forces for their bravery in defending Yemen’s sovereignty and stability against aggression, commending their steadfastness and victories on various fronts.

The ceremony was attended by leaders
and representatives from political parties, organizations, and civil society, alongside activists, military leaders, and notable figures. It featured a poem by Badi’ al-Zaman al-Sultan and a performance by the Authenticity and Modernity Band, led by artist Ali al-Muhammadi, celebrating the occasion.

Source: Yemen News Agency