Sat. Sep 14th, 2024

The Guidance Office in Ma’een District in capital Sana’a organized on Monday a cultural event commemorating the martyrdom of Imam Zaid bin Ali, peace be upon them, and blessing the military operation in occupied Jaffa under the slogan “Insight and Jihad”.

At the event, cultural activist Ahmed al-Mahdi reviewed part of the biography of Imam Zaid bin Ali, the stages of his upbringing, his strength of faith, piety of Allah and his connection to the Holy Quran.

He pointed to the courage, steadfastness, patience, jihad and revolution of Imam Zaid bin Ali, peace be upon them, and his movement for the sake of Allah, supporting the right and the weak, and correcting the course of the nation and advancing it.

Al-Mahdi stressed the importance of commemorating the anniversary to draw lessons from the biography and revolution of Imam Zaid bin Ali, and to follow his path, jihad and sacrifice in the face of the forces of tyranny and global arrogance and support for the Palestinian people, regardless of the challenges an
d sacrifices.

He urged strengthening the link to the Holy Quran and faith identity, sensing responsibility towards the nation and its issues, and confronting the conspiracies and schemes of the enemies of Islam and Muslims.

Source: Yemen News Agency