Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

The General Authority of Civil Aviation ( CAMA) and Meteorology organized on Wednesday in Sana’a a speech event on the Prophet’s birthday anniversary occasion , may the best prayers , peace be upon him and his family.

In the event, Transport and Public Works Deputy Minister Yahya Al-Sayani stressed the importance of celebrating the Great Messenger’s birth anniversary , may God bless him , his family and grant them peace.

He considered the Prophet’s birth anniversary a religious and social occasion that reflects the Yemeni people’s deep connection extent to the Noble Messenger and their love for his tolerant message.

Al-Sayani said, “This precious religious occasion comes in exceptional circumstances as a result of the killing and genocide that our Palestinians in Gaza Strip are being subjected to by the usurping Zionist occupier.”

The Deputy Minister of Transport and Public Works stressed that Yemen’s position is firm and will not change in supporting and defending the Palestinian cause until victory is
achieved and the Israeli entity is defeated.

Member of the Yemeni Scholars Association, Sheikh Fouad Naji, stressed that the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him , his family and grant them peace biography , represents a moral and humane reference from which all societies can benefit, and that celebrating this anniversary reflects the extent of Yemenis’ adherence to their religious and faith identity.

He explained that the lesson of celebrating the Prophet’s birthday lies in drawing lessons and morals from the Noble Prophet biography, and embodying them in our practical lives.

Source: Yemen News Agency