Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The Council of Ministers on Monday endorsed a series of legislation amendments, including the labor and social security laws, in a session chaired by Prime Minister Bisher Khasawneh.

Among these was the amended 2024 draft labor law aimed to regulate the labor market and replace foreign labor with domestic manpower, enhance women’s entry to the local market, and balance the interests of both workers and employers in the private sector.

The cabinet also approved amendments to the draft Social Security Law of 2024 with the aim of expanding its umbrella and the inclusion of all workers of other trades and non-Jordanians, including the sons of Jordanian women, and protecting workers’ rights.

It also passed the system regulating the connection of renewable energy facilities to the national power grid, renewable energy exemptions and rationalizing energy consumption, to promote reliance on renewable energy sources and increase their efficiency.

The ministers also approved the Social Security Corporation’s benefi
ts system to provide more social protection, as well as other decisions.

Source: Jordan News Agency