Wed. Sep 18th, 2024

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken announced: ‘Iran is capable of producing fissile material with the aim of making a nuclear bomb’ within a week or two, reiterating the United States’ commitment to preventing Tehran from achieving this.

Blinken said during a forum on security in Colorado that the current situation is not good, adding: ‘Iran, due to the expiration of the nuclear agreement, instead of being at least one year away from being able to produce fissile material to make a nuclear bomb, is now most likely on the verge of producing fissile material for a nuclear bomb.’ After a week or two of being able to do this,’ he said.

He also clarified that Tehran has not developed a weapon yet, stressing that the United States is monitoring this matter closely.

Blinken reiterated: ‘One or two weeks is the estimated time for Iran to be able to produce these fissile materials with the aim of making a nuclear bomb, citing evidence that has emerged in recent weeks and months.’

He added: ‘Iran is moving forwa
rd with the nuclear program,’ stressing: ‘The goal of the United States is for Iran to never possess a nuclear weapon, and to prefer the diplomatic path to achieve that.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency