Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

Basra, -Basra Operations Commander, Major General Saad Mohsen Arabi, stressed “the necessity of intensifying measures to secure protection for visitors and providing the appropriate security atmosphere for the success of the Arbaeen visit of Imam Hussein, peace be upon him.

The command media stated in a statement that “the operations commander conducted a field tour accompanied by the Chief of Staff of the Command and a number of officers of the Staff to follow up on the implementation of the security plan and inspect the joint security units to protect visitors heading to the holy Karbala Governorate on foot to commemorate the Arbaeen of the martyrdom of Imam Hussein, peace be upon him, as well as to provide protection for the Husseini bodies and processions along the visitors’ road throughout Basra Governorate.

The statement added, “The operations commander met with a number of visitors and owners of processions and bodies and was briefed on the overall logistical and administrative services provided by t
he processions as well as the services provided to visitors in addition to the health services provided by the Basra Health Department through mobile health teams and ambulances deployed along the road taken by visitors.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency