Sat. Sep 14th, 2024

The 33rd Arab Summit, scheduled for the first time in Bahrain on May 16, would be a new opportunity to expand the horizons of pan-Arab cooperation and address urgent issues such as the ongoing onslaught of the Palestinian people by the hands of the ruthless Israeli aggressors in the Gaza Strip and elsewhere.

The summit will also tackled a plethora of other topics including the infighting in Sudan the security and political crises in Syria, Libya and Somalia to name but a few.

However, the most crucial matter would be to highlight the Palestinian cause and the establishment of an independent state within the June 1967 borders and east Jerusalem as capital.

The summit require from Arab countries to unite under a common banner to address challenges and meet the aspiration of the Arab people for development, progress, and welfare.

Prior to the summit, the 161st meeting of the Arab foreign ministers, headed by Mauritania, the agenda of the upcoming grand meeting was prepared.

Bahrain prepared for the summit o
n the top level of the government from the King himself Hamad bin Isa Al-Khalifa who meet with Arab League Secretary General Ahmad Abul-Gheit back in January to discuss the preparations.

The leadership in Bahrain had instructed officials to boost their efforts to host the grand event from logistics and beyond.

Bahrain’s Foreign Minister Dr. Abdulattif Al-Zayani went on several tours and visits in preparation for the summit.

According to experts and political analysts, the final communique of the summit would be crucial in meeting the expectation of the Arab people whether it was in boosting cooperation amongst countries in the region or finding solutions for urgent matters ailing most of the population including matters of security and prosperity.

Source: Kuwait News Agency