Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

Residents of Azal district in the capital Sana’a on Wednesday demonstrated their steadfast support for leader of the revolution Abdulmalik Badr al-Din al-Houthi during a massive rally.

Under the banner ‘You are not alone,’ the residents reaffirmed their commitment to the fifth phase of escalation in the ongoing conflict.

During the event, district director Mohammed al-Ghalisi emphasized the district’s readiness to support Yemeni armed forces in their fight against Israeli, American, and British forces and to back the leader’s strategic decisions.

The crowd applauded recent military actions, including a drone strike on Israeli targets and the response to Israeli aggression in Hodeida province..

A statement from the stand condemned the Israeli attacks on civilian infrastructure in Hodeida and praised the Yemeni security services for apprehending an American-Israeli spy cell.

Source: Yemen News Agency