Mon. Sep 16th, 2024

President of the Arab Parliament Adel Al-Asoumi called on Saturday for reconsidering rules governing the international order.

Delivering a speech while presiding over the fifth plenary session of the Arab Parliament’s third legislative term, Al-Asoumi criticized disgraceful international stance and crimes committed by Israeli occupation against the Palestinian people.

Since the beginning of this current session in October of last year until this moment, Palestinian people have been suffering the ugliest images of genocide war and ethnic cleansing that have stirred the conscience of the peoples of many countries of the free world, he said.

Despite this deadly incident, the international community has been unable towards the orgy of occupation which does not care about all values and principles of international law and international humanitarian law, he stated.

He called for avoiding the double standards policy adopted by international community, and restore the respect of these values and principles.

He w
arned against repercussions of dangerous developments in Sudan, urging Arab countries to involve more so as to reach a solution to that crisis.

He further urged intensifying Arab efforts to find a final political solution to Yemen’s crisis, called on brothers in Libya to move ahead in order to hold presidential and parliamentary elections.

He reiterated the Arab Parliament’s keenness to support efforts made by the leaders of Arab countries aiming to defend the issues of the Arab nation and preserve its capabilities.

Meanwhile, Secretary-General of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Jasem Al-Budaiwi underlined Saturday firm backing to Palestinian people in their legitimate struggle for freedom and independence.

Delivering a speech before the fifth plenary session of the Arab Parliament’s fourth legislative term, Al-Budaiwi underlined the importance of holding this meeting in light of the huge and painful challenges, most notably the just cause of Palestine, facing the Arab nation.

The Palestinian cause ha
s been the central issue of Arabs, and this is shown in GCC member states’ clear stances, he said.

He pointed to continued crimes and violations committed by the Israeli occupation forces against Palestinian people in Gaza and other parts of Palestine.

These crimes and violations are not only a violation of human rights and international laws but5 a flagrant challenge to all humanitarian values and principles, he said.

Al-Budaiwi affirmed ongoing Israeli occupation crimes destabilize the region, referring to the GCC’s repeated call to the international community to adopt effective policies and measures to achieve an immediate ceasefire, de-escalation and stopping violence against Palestinians in Gaza and the Wet Bank, including Jerusalem and the Muslim sites. The GCC stressed the need for the international community to assume its role in maintaining international peace and security, he elaborated.

Cooperation of the GCC Secretariat with the Arab Parliament and other Arab institutions is based on belief th
at the unity and collaboration are the optimal way to achieve security, stability and prosperity of Arab nations, he said.

The security of GCC states is an integrated part mainly in light of instability in the region and the world, he said.

He noted that political, military and security integration among GCC states has contributed to achieving security, stability and economic prosperity.

Since its establishment, the GCC has made several common accomplishments and goals, including the joint Gulf market which aims to achieve economic integration among GCC states, and enhance their commercial and economic cooperation, Al-Budaiwi stressed.

“We work seriously to boost our mutual cooperation to face common security risks and challenges,” he noted.

This vision represented in coordinating stances among GCC states towards international and regional issues, he said.

He pointed out that the GCC states affirm the need of resolving differences between countries through negotiations, diplomatic means and dialogue, an
d rejecting the use of force or the threat of it to ensure the security and stability of the region.

He added that the GCC countries have become a reliable partner for all parties across the globe in political, security and economic fields.

Al-Budaiwi affirmed the need of collective action and Arab solidarity to meet aspirations of Arab peoples in security, stability and prosperity.

The Arab Parliament gave Al-Budaiwi its shield in recognition of his role in supporting the Gulf and Arab action, and serving Arab issues.

Source: Kuwait News Agency