Sun. Sep 15th, 2024

The Arab League affirmed on Thursday the importance of empowering Arab youth on all levels through rebuilding for the best and helping them bear their responsibilities in the face of challenges.

This came in a statement by Arab League Assistant Secretary General Ambassador Haifa Abu Ghazaleh during the extraordinary session of Arab youth and sports ministers in Amman, on the sidelines of an international forum on “peace, security and youth”.

The session discussed the national priorities of Arab countries in developing the implementation of the executive plan for the youth, peace, and security strategy.

She pointed to keenness of the League to cooperate with all concerned parties of ministries of youth, and the Arab and UN organizations to ensure involving effectively youth in all steps of developing the strategy.

The League is keen on following-up with sports and youth ministries on backing Arab youth and working a communication point to help share information and expertise among these ministries, she no

The meeting was led by Jordan’s minister of sports and youth Mohammad Al-Nabolsi, in the presence of Secretary General Ahmad Aboul-Gheit and Arab sports ministers, she pointed out.

Source: Kuwait News Agency