Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

Assistant Secretary General and Head of the Social Affairs sector at the Arab League Dr. Haifa Abu Ghazaleh stressed on Saturday the importance of holding the Arab summit in Bahrain in regards of the circumstance that Palestine is going through.

This came in her speech during the opening of the preparatory meetings of the senior officials at the economic and social levels of the 33rd Arab Summit.

Abu Ghazaleh pointed to the tireless efforts of Arab countries and the Arab social affairs and Health ministerial council to provide emergency social, humanitarian and health assistance to the people of Gaza.

She added that the Arab League was keen to place this matter at the top of the preparatory council’s agenda by developing an emergency response plan to deal with the economic and social repercussions of Israel’s aggression against Palestine.

She also added that taking into account the Arab and international economic and social developments, the Arab League was keen to include strategies, plans and programs i
n various fields in a way that enhances joint Arab economic and social action which reflects positively on the Arab citizens.

Abu Ghazaleh emphasized the importance of the youth role, and in support of efforts aimed to increase their empowerment the council has proposed various important strategies in a way that contributes to building promising Arab cadres.

Abu Ghazaleh concluded by expressing her thanks to Bahrain, and her colleagues in the social and economic sectors and the Council’s secretariat for their efforts to prepare the documents for the meeting.

Source: Kuwait News Agency