Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Secretary-General of the Arab League Ahmad Aboul-Gheit condemned on Wednesday the aggressive military operation launched by the Israeli occupation on the West Bank, which resulted in the death of more than eleven martyrs.

Aboul-Gheit said in a statement issued by the Arab League that the brutal attacks and killings carried out by Israeli occuption in the northern West Bank, as well as the destruction of infrastructure and the siege of hospitals, represent a dangerous trend aimed at subjugating the Palestinian people and oveturning previously signed agreements.

He affirmed that “Israeli occupation is waging a war of extermination against the Palestinians everywhere, and that the Israeli operation in the West Bank has nothing to do with the October seventh attacks. Rather, the goal is to make the life of the Palestinians impossible on their land, whether in the West Bank or the occupied Gaza Strip, and to practice continuous intimidation by shedding blood.

Aboul-Gheit stressed that “the international commun
ity cannot stand idly by in the face of this escalation, which deliberately pushes matters in the region to the brink of abyss, opens new fronts, and ignites fires in a way that drags the situation toward explosion.” In this regard, Aboul-Gheit held Washington responsible for the continuation of this escalating Israeli agression in the region, calling on it to take a clear position on the recent Israeli military operation undertaken by Israeli occupation forces in the West Bank.

Source: Kuwait News Agency