Mon. Sep 16th, 2024

Ceasefire in the besieged Gaza Strip has become a unanimous international demand, Adel Al-Asoumi, President of the Arab Parliament and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Arab Observatory for Human Rights (AOHR), said on Saturday.

Delivering a speech before the second meeting of the AOHR’s board, Al-Asoumi affirmed that the halt of war in the Strip is a humanitarian and moral necessity, and a strategic goal to avoid the impacts of war.

The Palestinian people have been suffering from genocide and ethnic cleansing as well as forced displacement due to the ongoing brutal aggression launched by Israeli occupation, which claimed the lives of more than 41,000 people and wounded 92,000 others, he stated.

The Israeli aggression resulted in huge destruction and damage at a time when the international community fails to stop this massacre, he noted.

Israeli occupation violations of international law and humanitarian international law are against not only Palestinians but also the global system and its rules, he el

“We, as the Arab system, have been backing the steadfastness of Palestinian people against Israeli occupation,” he said, calling for intensifying collective efforts and work in support of Palestinians.

Amid all ongoing brutal crimes committed by Israeli occupation, all official and popular efforts must continue until reaching the two-state solution, Al-Asoumi said.

He showed support to the results of Madrid meeting held on Friday, with the participation of some representatives of the Arab League and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation as well as foreign ministers of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Palestine and others on how to implement the two-state solution.

He underlined the need of reaching an immediate and permanent ceasefire and giving Palestinian Authority the full control over Rafah crossing and all borders.

Al-Asoumi called on the international community to take positive steps to implement the two-state solution, reiterating the observatory’s support to develop the system of Arab human right

Today’s meeting discusses some topics and approving the minutes of meeting of the first gathering of the observatory held in June 2024 in Cairo.

It also focuses on a proposal on Arab human rights’ award and a draft on exposing Israeli occupation violations and crimes in the Palestinian territories and Gaza, as well as other human rights topics.

Source: Kuwait News Agency