Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

The Ansar Allah Media Authority condemned in the strongest terms the crime that targeted the US-British aggression on the Hodeidah Radio building, which led to the destruction of the building and the death and injury of dozens of civilians.

In a statement received by the Yemeni News Agency (Saba), the Authority denounced the targeting of the US-British aggression last night with a series of raids in the governorates of Sana’a, Taiz and Hodeidah, including raids on the Hodeidah Radio building.

The statement pointed out that the total victims of the treacherous raids throughout the provinces are 16 martyrs and 42 wounded, most of them civilians.

The statement stressed that the crimes of US-British aggression reveal the falsity of the slogans claimed by Washington and London in freedom of opinion and expression, indicating that the targeting of media professionals and media outlets has become a Zionist, American and British approach in an attempt to obscure the largest genocide in the world against civilians
in the Gaza Strip.

He stated that the direct killings targeting the Yemeni people as a result of their stance in support of Gaza, flagrantly violate international laws and conventions, and the American and British regimes will bear the consequences of such crimes that will not fall within the statute of limitations.

The statement called on the free Yemeni people to continue activities and marches in solidarity with the people of Gaza and to commit to boycotting American and Israeli goods and products, their media and means hostile to the Yemeni people and the free world defending Palestine

Source: Yemen News Agency